Friday, June 22, 2007

What's you view of the Lord's prayer?

This wonderful prayer is shared weekly by millions and millions of people from all over the globe. For many it is shared daily.

Lets first look that the prayer in its entirety, and then we will brake it down as we share it together.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

for ever and ever.


Now lets take this line by line and break it down so that it makes even more sense!

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Our father - the creator of our timeless eternal spirit of unconditional love - who is in our true home in this very moment of now...

Hallowed be thy Name.

Most holy father, you are but one God - no matter what name you are called in what religion, or country we perceive you, you are our love, our life, and we praise you...

Thy kingdom come.

When we awaken from the dream of being separate from you...yes the kingdom of your love will we share eternally...

Thy will be done,

We will awaken father...

awaken to the our singular purpose for that which we were extended from you...

awaken to share unconditional love for all eternity...

On earth as it is in heaven.

This dream of separation from you "known as earth" will no longer be a dream of separation...

we will awaken to remember we never left you, we have been so safe...

safe in our real reality, only ever harmed in a dream of separation...

Give us this day our daily bread.

Help us to hear the voice of the holy spirit in our minds....

The holy spirit is our guide sent by you, to help us to awaken from this nightmare of being separate from you...

Help us to hear the holy spirit's voice - the voice that only leads to thoughts, and acts based on unconditional love...

Help us to forgive and release any ego thoughts that are of judgment and harm to others...

Daily intention

It is our intention today, and every day to hear the voice of unconditional love, to embrace love, and share that voice...

And forgive us our trespasses,

Forgive us for dreaming of being away from you...for all our unkind actions in this dream are based on fear...

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

every moment we forgive we are listening to your guide the holy spirit...

Help us to hear your guide in every moment...

And lead us not into temptation,

The other voice in your mind that says God is a punishing, vengeful, wrathful, fearful God and you better hide from him...

this is a fake voice...

it is the voice of your own pretend individuality...

this is the fake voice of the ego...

how long will you continue to listen to a voice that keeps you from remembering unconditional love?

Forgive it, and release it, for it is not of God, and thus is not now, nor will it ever be, real...

You must let go of what is not real, to remember what is...

But deliver us from evil.

Deliver us from this ego voice that says your everything bad...

That you should be feared...

Unconditional love never judges, nor will it ever have the capacity to judge...

So quit running away from God -

and turn around, smile, and

run to God...

run with your arms spread wide,

tears of joy running down your face,

and jump into God's love...its forever eternal, it's for ever yours, take it now...

For thine is the kingdom,

God's kingdom is our birthright,

It is our kingdom to share...

God who is perfect love, extended "it self" as "you" who as spirit are also perfect love...

you were extended for the sole purpose of sharing unconditional love - eternally...

heaven is the only real home we will ever have...

as spirit we extend the kingdom of God as a timeless sharing of unconditional love...

When we do this on earth though acts of unselfish sharing, we begin to awaken and remember who we really are...

and the power,

The power sharing unconditional love...

and the glory,

Living and sharing love with God eternally, it is a reality, it is our true reality, you have but to embrace it...

for ever and ever.



We believe...


Unknown said...

Beautiful, I have re-read this three times to day…

Jackie said...

Oh my I was moved to tears. That is possibly one of the most beautiful and moving things I have ever read. I do not believe in consequence. It was not just by chance that John bumped into my blog. I will definitely continue to visit here. ~Jackie