Friday, July 13, 2007

When dreams begins...

Q:I would like your insight on several issues I am working to understand. I understand "duality" and separateness, but how do I truly know when I've become One with the Universe, and it's not this Ego making me think I am?

A:What is the "illusion"? - Planets, stars, earth, people, people, plants animals etc. - basically anything that you can perceive, and hold any sort of "judgment" on...

On the path you have chosen to walk - to obtain oneness with the "illusion" first, is a necessary "step" toward true awakening...or enlightenment

Q:I want to reach the ultimate Spiritual Enlightenment and move beyond this illusion, so need to learn what I must do to get there, i.e., meditation.

A: You have chosen your path...

Patience is wrote on the stones beneath what you call feet...

Lets patience be your friend...

In this moment of now - breath in patience, allow it to fill your lungs - breath out patients - for what you seek is not found in the future...but only in this eternal moment of now...

right here - right now...

If you ignore this moment, you will have walked past your we have so many moments we identify with future thoughts as being who we are...

We are not future...we are not past...

Learning to let go of "future" and "past" is part of the answer you seek...

But wait you say "If I let go of future and past what else is there?"

There is now...

For this very moment your eyes read these words you are love...

in this moment you are peace...

in this moment you are safe...

in this moment you are eternal...

You mentioned"meditation"

Let me take away all the mystery that surrounds this word...

When you attempt to quiet your mind you are identifying with it as being you and you are trying to quiet do you understand why it does not work?

For all of you reading this I ask you this...

Would you ever turn on every light in your home, turn on you oven set it for two hours, turn on the washer and dryer, turn on the stereo and set it to ten, turn on your TV, your computer, monitor, set the microwave for two hours, and turn on every other appliance in you home, and then leave to go out to eat?

"No, I would not do that" you say

Then why do you do it in your mind?

Why do you let your mind run ninety miles an hour all day long?

Why are all the appliances (thoughts) in your mind turned on all the time?

The answer is simple...

No one ever showed you where the shut off switch is...

Watch and patiently wait for your next thought to come,

just watch and wait,

and wait,

and watch for that next thought to come.

Just observe your mind,

just watch it,

and keep watching it...

What happens?

"Well I must be doing something wrong because nothings happening"

No, you must be doing everything the correct answer

"Are you saying I just found the shut off switch?"

That is exactly what I am saying

You just learned the proper way to meditate or complete shut off the mind.

You must observe it...

The you that is observing it is your spirit - aka "the real you"


The following is your first steps in your path to love...


1. Take all your attention to a past event for around ten seconds

2. Shift all you attention to an imagined future event for around ten seconds

3. Now bring 100% of your attention to this very moment of now

4. Watch your mind now, just watch and observe it. Continue to wait for thought to come as you watch for them patiently.

In this very moment of now notice all of your senses

what does it smell like?

What sounds do you hear now?

Where are your hands?

What are they touching?

What does the floor feel like beneath your feet?

Breath deeply, feel the breath, notice how it feels,

Now see all the color and textures around you.

What do they look like when you really notice each and every detail about them?

Notice a person place or object.

Imagine your energy filling that object till you imagine being that object in this moment. Then add the feeling of feeling being an other object.

an other, each time still feeling what it feels like to feel the first object and now all the new ones.

Now do this with ever object that you can see till your feeling being them all at one time. Now take any space between them and feel being that space too.

Continue to do this as you now merge all these feelings into one, and extend this feeling outward, feeling this sharing of energy, include the earth, as well as all the stars, planets, galaxies and anything else that you can perceive.

Experience this "now" as all that was once perceived as separate is now experienced as one.

This is the very first step toward enlightenment...not enlightenment itself

5. The next step is to experience that you are the author of all that can be perceived

6. But wait if it can be perceived you have taken a step backward

7. When nothing is separate from you there is nothing to be perceived or judged

8. Walk deeper into this moment of now, it is eternal, plunge into extending your love into this moment...feel you extending in all direction as all perception is gone.

9. Just be...

there is no ten,

for there never was a separation from God,

it was just a bad dream...

Awaken...and love...for it is all that you are...

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