Friday, August 24, 2007

Wild egos causing pain - Film at 11

Q: If you feel anxiety or pain as a result of ego, is it enough just to tell yourself it is only your ego and let the energy pass through? What is a good statement to tell yourself?

Statements to yourself, or "affirmations" as some call them, really don't do much.

You must allow the energy to pass though while observing...


Because you can not be identified with a issue and be observing it at the same time...

Watching it without judgment breaks your identification with it being you...

The "you" that is watching is the real you...

How much do you enjoy the peace of the real you?

Perhaps you can...

New! FREE for the next 24 hours!

During our walks together I will ask you one question per day, the question may...

As I stretch out in bed, and bring the knees up, thrust them forward and spring out of bed.

I feel the familiar texture of the carpet under my feet, and yet it is the very first time I have felt this carpet...

I open my eyes and the dream begins again...

I see images of holding hands, many images, big holding little hands, black holding white hands, many nationalities holding hands...


Unity is why I appear in this dream where our eyes are open...

How can you express unity in every moment of "now" for the next 24 hours?

E-mail back what you have learned by this experience, I will share this with the world on our blog...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Human Nature Channel Special - When an "ego" attacks!

Q: When an 'ego' attacks our perspective of the meaning of life or belief system... how do we stay defenseless when our initial response is to defend our own 'ego' sometimes it is difficult not to react or feel we have to defend our perspective in someway...?????

To defend is to identify with and get caught up in "ego."

Every time you judge back in the form of retaliation, the cycle begins...

How do you break this cycle?

The correct answer is in the form of a single word...

This word is the very word that equals freedom from all that your not...

The word is "surrender"

The sweetness of allowing the energy of what is in front of you to enter pass though you body without judgment - and exit back into the universe...

Surrendering to "what is" in this very moment is freedom,

Fighting is imprisonment...


Because when you identify with the emotion of "vengeance" you will root your identity in it...

It is all consuming and "who really are" goes completely unconscious...

You could have half a world going "enough is enough already!" and yet, you will continue this path of vengeance...

Till you learn to surrender to the love that you are...

The love that goes far beyond your individuality...

It gently guides you to the very essence of your being...

Yes, once again, when you let go of all your not...

Only unconditional love remains...

Start by allowing the energy of each object in front of you, to enter, pass though you (energizing you), and exit back into the universe...

When you learn that judging the energy of anything as good, bad or neutral - are "all incorrect" you will begin your path to freedom...

When will you begin to embrace the freedom that is yours for the sharing?

Monday, August 20, 2007

I would like to hear about your week in New England...

The drive up was wonderful!

As I started the drive, I watched as the black rubber blade glided a crossed the windshield.

The peace of rain...

This brought back a recent wonderful experience...


Recently I was grilling barbecued chicken on the back deck. It was raining out. Morgan (our three year old daughter) wanted to come outside and hang out with me. As I slid the glass door, out she sprang with a big smile. Yes, the kind that warms your heart to the core.

She starts running around the table on the wet deck. I say "Sweetie don't run fast when the deck is wet because it's slippery" I see her happiness quickly fade.

I say to her " OK, lets do something fun"

"What daddy?" she says

It starts raining harder

She says "Daddy, it's raining hard"

"Yes, it is, now hold out your hands with your palms up" I begin

"Now open up to the wonderful energy of the rain, feel it washing through you and back out into the universe" "That's it allow it to flow in though and back out into the universe" "Feel that wonderful energy"

She is now looking up and giggling as it is poring down rain. I could tell she was really feeling the energy of the rain as it was moving though and back to the universe again, and again in a beautiful symphony of motion.

The innocence of her laugher in the rain is forever etched in my mind...forever shared in my heart...

Every moment of sharing is precious...

Arriving at New England:

As I arrived at the NGH convention I felt such a charge of excitement...

This year was going to be even better than all past years, I could feel it...

There were many new Hypnotherapist's this year, or "Counseling Hypnotists" the new 2007 title for the profession. It seems to change every few years.

When anyone asked recently what I do for a living - I have stripped away all the titles and just tell them
"I teach unconditional love"

That really is what I do in my practice.

Most of the classes were wonderful...

The sharing of knowledge is healing at it's highest...

Knowledge always frees that which has perceived it was bound...

It always sets a smile on that which knew it was free already...

Hugging a stranger with complete love was the norm.

I could not tell you how many people I hugged that convention.

I talked with so many wonderful new wonderful people - that the level of sharing was sheer perfection.

There was not one moment that was outside of perfection...

as a smile of friendship...

a knowing that the sharing will continue...

Yes, that was priceless...

How do I respond when I am told I am going to hell?

Q: I believe God is 'Unconditional Love' and bigger than anything we can wrap our tiny minds around. I told a Christian co-worker that God is not to be feared. How can we fear unconditional love? The Christian co-worker believes I am going to hell because he believes God doesn't know me if I do not practice the Christian religion. I told him that I love Jesus, but believe 'The Truth' goes beyond what Christianity teaches. What is my best response to a person like this.

Your mind can never understand God...

You heart however - knows God very well...

You know in your heart that God is unconditional love...

It breaths this love in every beat...

It is from this place of unconditional love in your heart that your response must come...

You must meet someone where they think they are - to extend a hand in love...

As I tune into your heart here is your response:

"I love you totally and completely without judgment.

I always will...

And if for simply loving you - I am going to burn in hell, then so be it.

It will have been worth it - for sharing unconditional love is why I am here..."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

What religion are you?

I belong to the church of unconditional love...

I attend service in every waking moment...

Service is in my heart - which encompasses this world...

With with every beat - I love, and accept you...eternally...

What is your wife like?

She is a pure expression of unconditional love...

I could say lots, but that covers it all...

This past week

After getting back from New England there were a large number of people that needed help this past week.

So now we are brought to this moment...

The fingers are back on the keys...

The mind is silent...

The heart is alive...

The sharing begins again...

Friday, August 3, 2007

How can I be a better dancer?


To move in the vibration of sound...

Quit trying to move to the music.

Music is a vibration...

It moves in a rhythm we call song...

Close your eyes and allow the rhythm of the vibration to enter your heart...

Feel it there deeply...

Let go...

Allow this vibration to move throughout your body...

Surrender to the vibration, and allow it to carry you to the sweet ecstasy of movement...

All your inhibitions are gone, as you have nothing to worry about, as you are not dancing to music...

Music is dancing you...

Enjoy the passion of every beat, as you flow with it...

1,2,3...1,2,3 - this is forcing against the vibration of the sound, which is why it looks unnatural...

Forget the math...


Feel...the beat in your heart...

Let go to it...


Flow - in every moment of -now- as the music carries you...

The sweet movement of surrender...

Feel the passion of the "author" of the vibration you call song...

Share this passion...
