Friday, October 12, 2007
A response to peace
The questions was - What was the most peaceful moment in your life?
Once again a very difficult question...I can name the most elated,the happiness,the most manic,depressed,etc...but, I think my most peaceful has either not come yet or I simply missed it.~Jackie
Very good answer!
This is because "peace" is not found in past moments...
It is not found in future thoughts...
It is only discovered in this very moment of now...
To take all of your attention to this moment of now and experience totally this eternal moment...
Are you ready to begin this moment?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
what does "holy" mean to you?
no new questions have been asked...
so here is a new one for you...
What does "holy" mean to you?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
no questions asked...
Love you all!
Friday, September 14, 2007
What have you learned?
Your question is here
What have you learned by observing your judgments?
Reply here on Monday...
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The most peaceful moment
From Michael to you...
What was the most peaceful moment in your life?
What made this moment seem so different from those others?
E-mail back what you have learned by this experience, I will share this with the world on our blog...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wild egos causing pain - Film at 11
Statements to yourself, or "affirmations" as some call them, really don't do much.
You must allow the energy to pass though while observing...
Because you can not be identified with a issue and be observing it at the same time...
Watching it without judgment breaks your identification with it being you...
The "you" that is watching is the real you...
How much do you enjoy the peace of the real you?
Perhaps you can...
New! FREE for the next 24 hours!
During our walks together I will ask you one question per day, the question may...
As I stretch out in bed, and bring the knees up, thrust them forward and spring out of bed.
I feel the familiar texture of the carpet under my feet, and yet it is the very first time I have felt this carpet...
I open my eyes and the dream begins again...
I see images of holding hands, many images, big holding little hands, black holding white hands, many nationalities holding hands...
Unity is why I appear in this dream where our eyes are open...
How can you express unity in every moment of "now" for the next 24 hours?
E-mail back what you have learned by this experience, I will share this with the world on our blog...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Human Nature Channel Special - When an "ego" attacks!
To defend is to identify with and get caught up in "ego."
Every time you judge back in the form of retaliation, the cycle begins...
How do you break this cycle?
The correct answer is in the form of a single word...
This word is the very word that equals freedom from all that your not...
The word is "surrender"
The sweetness of allowing the energy of what is in front of you to enter pass though you body without judgment - and exit back into the universe...
Surrendering to "what is" in this very moment is freedom,
Fighting is imprisonment...
Because when you identify with the emotion of "vengeance" you will root your identity in it...
It is all consuming and "who really are" goes completely unconscious...
You could have half a world going "enough is enough already!" and yet, you will continue this path of vengeance...
Till you learn to surrender to the love that you are...
The love that goes far beyond your individuality...
It gently guides you to the very essence of your being...
Yes, once again, when you let go of all your not...
Only unconditional love remains...
Start by allowing the energy of each object in front of you, to enter, pass though you (energizing you), and exit back into the universe...
When you learn that judging the energy of anything as good, bad or neutral - are "all incorrect" you will begin your path to freedom...
When will you begin to embrace the freedom that is yours for the sharing?
Monday, August 20, 2007
I would like to hear about your week in New England...
The drive up was wonderful!
As I started the drive, I watched as the black rubber blade glided a crossed the windshield.
The peace of rain...
This brought back a recent wonderful experience...
Recently I was grilling barbecued chicken on the back deck. It was raining out. Morgan (our three year old daughter) wanted to come outside and hang out with me. As I slid the glass door, out she sprang with a big smile. Yes, the kind that warms your heart to the core.
She starts running around the table on the wet deck. I say "Sweetie don't run fast when the deck is wet because it's slippery" I see her happiness quickly fade.
I say to her " OK, lets do something fun"
"What daddy?" she says
It starts raining harder
She says "Daddy, it's raining hard"
"Yes, it is, now hold out your hands with your palms up" I begin
"Now open up to the wonderful energy of the rain, feel it washing through you and back out into the universe" "That's it allow it to flow in though and back out into the universe" "Feel that wonderful energy"
She is now looking up and giggling as it is poring down rain. I could tell she was really feeling the energy of the rain as it was moving though and back to the universe again, and again in a beautiful symphony of motion.
The innocence of her laugher in the rain is forever etched in my mind...forever shared in my heart...
Every moment of sharing is precious...
Arriving at New England:
As I arrived at the NGH convention I felt such a charge of excitement...
This year was going to be even better than all past years, I could feel it...
There were many new Hypnotherapist's this year, or "Counseling Hypnotists" the new 2007 title for the profession. It seems to change every few years.
When anyone asked recently what I do for a living - I have stripped away all the titles and just tell them
"I teach unconditional love"
That really is what I do in my practice.
Most of the classes were wonderful...
The sharing of knowledge is healing at it's highest...
Knowledge always frees that which has perceived it was bound...
It always sets a smile on that which knew it was free already...
Hugging a stranger with complete love was the norm.
I could not tell you how many people I hugged that convention.
I talked with so many wonderful new wonderful people - that the level of sharing was sheer perfection.
There was not one moment that was outside of perfection...
as a smile of friendship...
a knowing that the sharing will continue...
Yes, that was priceless...
How do I respond when I am told I am going to hell?
Your mind can never understand God...
You heart however - knows God very well...
You know in your heart that God is unconditional love...
It breaths this love in every beat...
It is from this place of unconditional love in your heart that your response must come...
You must meet someone where they think they are - to extend a hand in love...
As I tune into your heart here is your response:
"I love you totally and completely without judgment.
I always will...
And if for simply loving you - I am going to burn in hell, then so be it.
It will have been worth it - for sharing unconditional love is why I am here..."
Sunday, August 19, 2007
What religion are you?
I attend service in every waking moment...
Service is in my heart - which encompasses this world...
With with every beat - I love, and accept you...eternally...
What is your wife like?
She is a pure expression of unconditional love...
I could say lots, but that covers it all...
This past week
So now we are brought to this moment...
The fingers are back on the keys...
The mind is silent...
The heart is alive...
The sharing begins again...
Friday, August 3, 2007
How can I be a better dancer?
To move in the vibration of sound...
Quit trying to move to the music.
Music is a vibration...
It moves in a rhythm we call song...
Close your eyes and allow the rhythm of the vibration to enter your heart...
Feel it there deeply...
Let go...
Allow this vibration to move throughout your body...
Surrender to the vibration, and allow it to carry you to the sweet ecstasy of movement...
All your inhibitions are gone, as you have nothing to worry about, as you are not dancing to music...
Music is dancing you...
Enjoy the passion of every beat, as you flow with it...
1,2,3...1,2,3 - this is forcing against the vibration of the sound, which is why it looks unnatural...
Forget the math...
Feel...the beat in your heart...
Let go to it...
Flow - in every moment of -now- as the music carries you...
The sweet movement of surrender...
Feel the passion of the "author" of the vibration you call song...
Share this passion...
Friday, July 13, 2007
When dreams begins...
Q:I would like your insight on several issues I am working to understand. I understand "duality" and separateness, but how do I truly know when I've become One with the Universe, and it's not this Ego making me think I am?
A:What is the "illusion"? - Planets, stars, earth, people, people, plants animals etc. - basically anything that you can perceive, and hold any sort of "judgment" on...
On the path you have chosen to walk - to obtain oneness with the "illusion" first, is a necessary "step" toward true awakening...or enlightenment
Q:I want to reach the ultimate Spiritual Enlightenment and move beyond this illusion, so need to learn what I must do to get there, i.e., meditation.
A: You have chosen your path...
Patience is wrote on the stones beneath what you call feet...
Lets patience be your friend...
In this moment of now - breath in patience, allow it to fill your lungs - breath out patients - for what you seek is not found in the future...but only in this eternal moment of now...
right here - right now...
If you ignore this moment, you will have walked past your we have so many moments we identify with future thoughts as being who we are...
We are not future...we are not past...
Learning to let go of "future" and "past" is part of the answer you seek...
But wait you say "If I let go of future and past what else is there?"
There is now...
For this very moment your eyes read these words you are love...
in this moment you are peace...
in this moment you are safe...
in this moment you are eternal...
You mentioned"meditation"
Let me take away all the mystery that surrounds this word...
When you attempt to quiet your mind you are identifying with it as being you and you are trying to quiet do you understand why it does not work?
For all of you reading this I ask you this...
Would you ever turn on every light in your home, turn on you oven set it for two hours, turn on the washer and dryer, turn on the stereo and set it to ten, turn on your TV, your computer, monitor, set the microwave for two hours, and turn on every other appliance in you home, and then leave to go out to eat?
"No, I would not do that" you say
Then why do you do it in your mind?
Why do you let your mind run ninety miles an hour all day long?
Why are all the appliances (thoughts) in your mind turned on all the time?
The answer is simple...
No one ever showed you where the shut off switch is...
Watch and patiently wait for your next thought to come,
just watch and wait,
and wait,
and watch for that next thought to come.
Just observe your mind,
just watch it,
and keep watching it...
What happens?
"Well I must be doing something wrong because nothings happening"
No, you must be doing everything the correct answer
"Are you saying I just found the shut off switch?"
That is exactly what I am saying
You just learned the proper way to meditate or complete shut off the mind.
You must observe it...
The you that is observing it is your spirit - aka "the real you"
The following is your first steps in your path to love...
1. Take all your attention to a past event for around ten seconds
2. Shift all you attention to an imagined future event for around ten seconds
3. Now bring 100% of your attention to this very moment of now
4. Watch your mind now, just watch and observe it. Continue to wait for thought to come as you watch for them patiently.
In this very moment of now notice all of your senses
what does it smell like?
What sounds do you hear now?
Where are your hands?
What are they touching?
What does the floor feel like beneath your feet?
Breath deeply, feel the breath, notice how it feels,
Now see all the color and textures around you.
What do they look like when you really notice each and every detail about them?
Notice a person place or object.
Imagine your energy filling that object till you imagine being that object in this moment. Then add the feeling of feeling being an other object.
an other, each time still feeling what it feels like to feel the first object and now all the new ones.
Now do this with ever object that you can see till your feeling being them all at one time. Now take any space between them and feel being that space too.
Continue to do this as you now merge all these feelings into one, and extend this feeling outward, feeling this sharing of energy, include the earth, as well as all the stars, planets, galaxies and anything else that you can perceive.
Experience this "now" as all that was once perceived as separate is now experienced as one.
This is the very first step toward enlightenment...not enlightenment itself
5. The next step is to experience that you are the author of all that can be perceived
6. But wait if it can be perceived you have taken a step backward
7. When nothing is separate from you there is nothing to be perceived or judged
8. Walk deeper into this moment of now, it is eternal, plunge into extending your love into this moment...feel you extending in all direction as all perception is gone.
9. Just be...
there is no ten,
for there never was a separation from God,
it was just a bad dream...
Awaken...and love...for it is all that you are...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
question about hating God....christianity
Q: I have a friend who has been through very , very rough emotional times in his life. Starting with abuse at an early age...sexual abuse, that went on for a period from age 3-12. He comes from a Christian home and this terrible act went on in his house by someone who was not related to the family. Although, having a Christian background and Christian parents, because of the tremendous amount of pressure put on him from the Christian sect. He has come to despise Christianity and all it stands for.
He was enrolled as a member of an organization called
(I have removed the name of this organization as this is a public post, and without concrete proof, “slander” could be charged)
Which basically brainwashed him into believing that if he didn’t behave as the "perfect little Christian boy" he should be…that he was going to hell. His parents basically reinforced that belief in him.
Did that make a close loving, uplifting relationship with God?
Did that make a relationship with God based on a true sharing of your friends most treasured thoughts, feelings and expressions occur?
Of course it didn’t.
It did just the opposite, it cause fear, anxiety and pain to occur and more importantly a perceived division between God and your friend. In reality there is no division, but in “ego” this division resembles the “great wall” of China.
Have you ever heard the expression “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”?
More accurately put “the road to the (illusion of separation from pure unconditional love “God”) is paved with good intentions
The church thought two things:
1w - if we make children fear God they will do the right thing and not sin…
2 - - they will keep coming back church if they “have to”
The first of these was the good intentions was totally incorrect, yet still continues today.
Many churches do not realize that you can never truly love that which you are taught to fear.
Fear makes your run, love allows you to share…
I have actually hear people say with pride “I am a good God fearing Christian”
Jesus said “Love thy neighbor as thy self”
Forgive thy enemies…
So for us to place blame on the church or the other organization serves no useful purpose. It gets us no where.
Many people have said to me “I need to find a church that teaches this unconditional love that you talk about. I want to go to that Church!”
I say “Don’t change churches!”
Q: “What do you mean don’t change churches, mine makes me feel like shit. I feel as though I am just a number, judged as guilty by our priest, pastor, minister or other.”
A: Quit looking to find a church that teaches what you want.
Obviously the one you go to is close enough for you to go to it.
You probably already have friends there.
So ask you friends if they would want services really focused on the teachings of Jesus. If so then have a meeting with the Priest, minister, pastor or person leading the service.
Tell them what the members of the church want. “Don’t you think they would be happier speaking of the true teaching of Jesus and how to apply them in modern day life – than judging, condemning you into believing you are worthless sinner by having you repeat it over and over each and every week?”
How can they complain if it is based on the true teachings of the leader of their church (Jesus Christ)
We have stepped very far from those teachings…
The time has come to remember them…
To embrace Christ's teachings…
To express them though a wonderful sharing with your neighbor – this is love…
Be the sharing…Be the caring…Be who you truly are…
These teachings bring;
There is everything "right" with these teachings.
So quit judging your priest, pastor, minister's - and start assisting them to more in a positive direction of the true teachings of Jesus...
Jesus was not called “The price of peace” by accident.
He doesn’t want healing for what happened to him all those years( he is now 27). He wants nothing to do with Christianity at all. My question for you there anyway I can help him with this?? For him to realize that God and Christ want to help him deal with all the hurt and pain that those people caused him in his life?
Now your question is “how do you help your friend?”
First off you cannot help someone to understand a positive definition of God when though out life they learned God is judgmental, wrathful, not understanding, punishing and damning.
If you want him to know God is unconditional love then you need to show him your unconditional love and acceptance. Teach by example.
Stop trying to change your friend and just love him completely as he is right now. Let him be showered with the feeling of acceptance.
Continue to do this till it is familiar to him.
And then continue to do it with him the rest of your life.
As the old saying goes:
Be the change in the world you want to see…
He will want to know more about this when it feels right to him.
The word “God” is the most misused, misunderstood word there is…
Use a word that is more acceptable to him. Maybe “universe”
It does not matter what you call God, it is still just God (with a nickname :-)
Take the fear away by using terms that he has no preconceived negative thoughts or beliefs about and show him you accept him just the way he is…
Really show him that you are willing not to judge him in any way, by totally loving him just as he is right now…
Share your time with him…
Teach him love by positive example - without lectures…
You will both grow…
You will both blossom…
I am a Christian. I wish he wasn’t so angry and bitter and hateful against God.
He is really angry and hateful of those who he perceives have hurt him, Gods just a bigger target to blame. He has his identity rooted in Anger. His name is not Anger… Slowly start to show him how he is identifying with his thoughts as being who he is.
I just want him to see that God DOES LOVE HIM and care about him and is waiting for him to reach out to Him for healing and release from all the emotional pain he is experiencing.
He will release this pain only when he sheds his identity with his emotions. Again, show him a positive way by your example that you can love and accept him just the way that he is.
Any thoughts on this topic would be welcomed. I just don’t know what to do.
concerned Christian friend
I love you my friend…
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Acting or Healing?
Acting or Healing?
This new post is a result of reading a "myspace page" blog post from a wonderful woman who was describing her intense depression. She was deeply identified with these thoughts as being her. The follow is the path out of who you’re not.
Please ask me questions, answers to them are why I am here.
Acting or Healing?
Acting - We are all actors and actresses...
When many of the my friends on this myspace page do it, it is for a living, and it is done for TV, Movies or Music Videos - that we all love to watch...
When we do it in life, often it is not nearly so pleasant...
We play the "temporary" emotional actors, and actresses. We are playing a "emotional role" in the play we call "life" - not only do we not get paid for this role it, it is where all of our pain comes from...
Our acting roles change, sometimes many times, throughout just one day.
We will wear many different "emotional outfits or costumes" as we act out these emotional roles we call "us"...
We play these daily acting roles of Depression, Sadness, Loneliness (even when we are with people, we play the role of loneliness) Anger, Hate, Violence, and many more...
We play these roles and call them us...
Let me say that again...
We play these roles and we call them us...
Are you having a light bulb moment yet?
Why do we do this?
Because we believe our thoughts "at the moment", are who we are...
"Who we really are goes" unconscious as we act out these "emotion roles" and we call them us, we interact with others and wonder why they just don't seem to get us. Which us? Which acting role where you playing and calling yourself?
Are you really anger?
Should you go to the social security administration and get your name changed from "Tom" to "anger"?
Are you starting to see how silly these "thoughts" are that we call us?
Here is the simple truth..
"When you believe your thoughts and identify with them as really being who you are, you will suffer, when you question them and dis-identify with them you no longer suffer..."
Will you continue to play this role in which you should get academy acting award for, or will you question it and ask -
Who would I be without this thought?
How would I feel without this thought?
The “me” that is watching “these negative thoughts” is not that thought - as I can observe it...
Who is this me that is that is watching this negative thought?
Healing happens...
Peace happens...
Love happens...
You happen...
You are that peace and love, that stillness that is observing the emotion...
Just be you...
More to come...
I love you...
Friday, June 22, 2007
What's you view of the Lord's prayer?
This wonderful prayer is shared weekly by millions and millions of people from all over the globe. For many it is shared daily.
Lets first look that the prayer in its entirety, and then we will brake it down as we share it together.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Now lets take this line by line and break it down so that it makes even more sense!
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Our father - the creator of our timeless eternal spirit of unconditional love - who is in our true home in this very moment of now...
Hallowed be thy Name.
Most holy father, you are but one God - no matter what name you are called in what religion, or country we perceive you, you are our love, our life, and we praise you...
Thy kingdom come.
When we awaken from the dream of being separate from you...yes the kingdom of your love will we share eternally...
Thy will be done,
We will awaken father...
awaken to the our singular purpose for that which we were extended from you...
awaken to share unconditional love for all eternity...
On earth as it is in heaven.
This dream of separation from you "known as earth" will no longer be a dream of separation...
we will awaken to remember we never left you, we have been so safe...
safe in our real reality, only ever harmed in a dream of separation...
Give us this day our daily bread.
Help us to hear the voice of the holy spirit in our minds....
The holy spirit is our guide sent by you, to help us to awaken from this nightmare of being separate from you...
Help us to hear the holy spirit's voice - the voice that only leads to thoughts, and acts based on unconditional love...
Help us to forgive and release any ego thoughts that are of judgment and harm to others...
Daily intention
It is our intention today, and every day to hear the voice of unconditional love, to embrace love, and share that voice...
And forgive us our trespasses,
Forgive us for dreaming of being away from you...for all our unkind actions in this dream are based on fear...
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
every moment we forgive we are listening to your guide the holy spirit...
Help us to hear your guide in every moment...
And lead us not into temptation,
The other voice in your mind that says God is a punishing, vengeful, wrathful, fearful God and you better hide from him...
this is a fake voice...
it is the voice of your own pretend individuality...
this is the fake voice of the ego...
how long will you continue to listen to a voice that keeps you from remembering unconditional love?
Forgive it, and release it, for it is not of God, and thus is not now, nor will it ever be, real...
You must let go of what is not real, to remember what is...
But deliver us from evil.
Deliver us from this ego voice that says your everything bad...
That you should be feared...
Unconditional love never judges, nor will it ever have the capacity to judge...
- So quit running away from God -
and turn around, smile, and
run to God...
run with your arms spread wide,
tears of joy running down your face,
and jump into God's love...its forever eternal, it's for ever yours, take it now...
For thine is the kingdom,
God's kingdom is our birthright,
It is our kingdom to share...
God who is perfect love, extended "it self" as "you" who as spirit are also perfect love...
you were extended for the sole purpose of sharing unconditional love - eternally...
heaven is the only real home we will ever have...
as spirit we extend the kingdom of God as a timeless sharing of unconditional love...
When we do this on earth though acts of unselfish sharing, we begin to awaken and remember who we really are...
and the power,
The power sharing unconditional love...
and the glory,
Living and sharing love with God eternally, it is a reality, it is our true reality, you have but to embrace it...
for ever and ever.
We believe...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Three Day Experment
as for the next three days (Starting Friday morning) I have asked John Craig a favor...
Years ago John and I were talking and he expressed the desire for himself and for the world to be what he called "a giver of non-judgment", in other words "be non-judging."
John liked the catch phase "giver of non-judgment."
So this is my favor to John that I would like you all to share in.
John for the next three days before you open your mouth to say anything to anyone in your life, family, friends, co-workers, strangers or your animals;
I want you to ask a question before you speak...
a: Is what I am about to say based completely "on my very own belief" in totally being a giver of non-judgment?
b: Or, is what I am about to say based on a judgment of someone, something, or some life event, in any way, shape, or form?
If what you were about to say is based "on your very own belief" in being "a giver of non-judgment" then speak what your thoughts are...
If not, don't continue to speak the thought you were having, but rather forgive it, and release it, for it is something you never needed in your life in the first place...
John for the next three days I would like you to honestly share some of the "a's," and some of the "b's," of your daily thoughts.
Share the highlights of what you have learned from this observation of your thoughts each of these next three days.
Share these observations daily on your blog so that the world can tune in an share too.
After the three days I would like you to answer these questions on your blog
Has this made any changes in your life?
If so what have they been?
Has this experiment help you to grow in anyway?
Have any of your readers taken this experiment?
What did they tell you they learned by it?
All of you reading this blog, please go to John's blog each day - for the next three days - to watch this experiment being shared with the world by John.
If you would like to take part in this three day experiment too, send your results to this blog and I will post them.
We heal... when we share...